credit Phil Mansfield

21 Questions – Kathleen Bertolani Haack

Kathleen Bertolani Haack joins Ellipses as our senior strategist! Kathleen brings her years of experience and agency work to the Ellipses team. Learn more about Kathleen, both personally and professionally, below.

  1. I first knew I wanted to be in PR when: I was a senior at Cal Berkeley majoring in history. My father was an attorney and my older brother and sister were both in law school. I realized that I just didn’t like conflict and determined that a legal career probably wouldn’t make me happy, so I went to UC Berkeley’s Career Center and researched careers in advertising and public relations. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and I thought it was where I belonged. After my first internship at Browne Abrams, a public relations firm representing entertainment clients, I was certain that I was on the right path.
  2. My dream client: I love the hospitality industry. I was fortunate to serve at the senior director of public relations at Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants and I enjoyed every aspect of the job. I especially love promoting luxury hotels.
  3. If I weren’t in PR, I would be: If I hadn’t thought it through, I probably would have become an attorney. For my next career, I would like to become an esthetician. I find skin care innovations very interesting and would enjoy learning about new products and working in a spa environment.
  4. Your biggest PR horror story: One of the hotels that I was working with caught on fire while under construction. Very early in the morning, I received a call from my boss who instructed me to get to the site and help the company’s CEO deal with the media. I know public relations professionals are always putting out fires, but this was the real deal. It was a very long day…
  5. My first job was: Working in my dad’s law office supporting his legal secretaries. Looking back, I realize that it was very helpful in terms of developing a sense of responsibility and professionalism.
  6. My biggest accomplishment so far: Professionally, I am very proud of the work I did for the California Dried Plum Board while working at Ketchum Public Relations. Our spokesperson, Olympic Champion Natalie Coughlin, was wonderful to work with and we were able to reach a younger target audience with credible health and wellness messages!
  7. Favorite social media platform: I still like Facebook. It helps me stay in touch with family and friends that I might not otherwise be able to see in person. 
  8. My biggest pet peeve is: Mean-spirted, catty people. They used to scare me but over the years, I’ve learned that these types of people are actually really just insecure and lash out to hide it. It’s best to avoid wasting time on them.
  9. Best movie I ever saw: This is a hard one. I think I will go with one of the funniest movies I’ve seen – I will always love Spinal Tap. I know I am really dating myself but I am always up for watching it again. The characters are so entertaining.
  10. Why I love my job, in three words: Teamwork, Clients and Events
  11. I’m secretly terrified of: It is not much of a secret, but I am terrified of rodents – particularly mice and rats. My husband once made me watch the movie Ratatouille, hoping to help me get over my phobia. Instead, I told him it severely traumatized me to see a rat in the kitchen.
  12. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I watch: I am not embarrassed that I watch a lot of network television news programs, but I probably should limit it to two news programs per day. I am a television news junkie, but it does help me do my job.
  13. Favorite place I’ve traveled to: The Mayan Riviera is pure bliss. A truly gorgeous and relaxing place.
  14. If I could go only go to one place before I die, I would go to: I would like to visit Peru.
  15. If I could have dinner with anybody, alive or dead, it would be: I am a big Freddie Mercury fan, and this goes back to my teenage years.
  16. EBooks or physical books: Physical books just feel cozier and more intimate to curl up with than EBooks. I usually have a couple in progress at the same time.
  17. Favorite thing about the Bay Area: The gorgeous views and scenery. I am still surprised by how driving around can take my breath away.
  18. The song I have on repeat right now: Bohemian Rhapsody – like I said, I’ve been a Queen fan for years and am happy they are popular again with a younger generation.
  19. When I’m not working: I like to ski, hike and cook.
  20. Favorite publication to read: The Economist – the articles are very well-written and it keeps me informed in terms of world news.
  21. Advice to those who want to be in PR: You must like working with people and telling a great story. Although there are more channels now to target different groups – it really comes down to telling a great story to the right audience.